In this post, I am going to take some time to explain the direction I want to take this blog in. I have three main passions in my life that I crave regularly. These are Food, Fitness and Fucking. (I have to confess I’m quite taken by the alliteration of that) So these topics, the three F’s, will form the main theme of my posts. I was planning on introducing all three topics today, but have decided that it may actually work better to introduce them all separately. I am aiming to write a post on each of the three topics every month so that there will be a monthly food post, a monthly fitness post and a monthly fucking post. I’m yet to decide what to post about in the remaining week, perhaps I’ll use it to spam you all with updates on what websites I’ve been working for and where I’ll be touring etc. Maybe you guys can let me know if there is something else you’d like to hear about from me, maybe I can do a twitter vote for the mystery monthly topic, or maybe do a Q&A? Please do let me know your thoughts!
So, anyway with out further a do let’s start with introducing topic number one, Â by going into a little more depth with my passion for food.
I am 100% a foodie, I always have been. I grew up in the country side with both grandparents having vast vegetable patches and fruit trees. Nothing really beats going and pulling home grown carrots out of the ground and then having them for dinner the same day. As a result, I have always had a keen interest in where food comes from and at the age of 12, I went veggie for around 10 years as I just didn’t like the idea of eating flesh. How ever in my early 20’s I went back to eating all of the meat! Ironically I am not at all squeamish about meat, perhaps because I am so excepting of what it is. I like my steak rare, or even raw if I’m in France and there is a good steak tartare on the menu. I’ve also been known to eat calf brains, and chicken hearts. Which were both delicious! Having said all that around 4 years ago I went vegan. This was as a result of starting my degree in Nutrition and Food Science and learning about how unsustainable current farming practices are with regards to world hunger. Perhaps I’ll go into a little more detail on that in a future post. After three years of being vegan, I decided to reintroduce meat and eggs back into my diet. I still have vegan days, and I try to only buy organic and free range meat and eggs, but ultimately I don’t want to be that twat when you go out for dinner that won’t eat anywhere. So I’m a little easier going when eating out with friends and family. I do refuse to eat dairy though as it’s just all kinds of wrong, but again maybe more on that some other time! So, yes, was veggie, was vegan, now eating pretty much everything these days. Have a degree in nutrition and food science, and am now doing a part time campaign internship with NGO on sustainable farming. I’m also fortunate enough to be back living in London where the dining out options are just utterly ridiculous and as a result, I seem to end up eating out at least a few times a week. This really does vary from street food to Michelin star restaurants and everything in between. As I intend this blog to be weekly I aim to do one post a month on food. Possibly some sort of review of some of the best places I’ve been to that month. But I may also post on some of the topics I’m passionate about, like my hatred for milk, or world food hunger. I get that most of you are aware of me because of my cock sucking skills and my love for cum, so I’m just gonna have to see how well received theses monthly posts are and take it from there. Fingers crossed you’ll find it insightful and maybe I’ll add some photos of my boobs just to keep it slightly titillating! As always your feedback would be very much appreciated. I was very pleasantly surprised by a number of comments my previous blog received.
I get that most of you are aware of me because of my cock sucking skills and my love for cum, so I’m just gonna have to see how well received theses monthly posts are and take it from there. Fingers crossed you’ll find it insightful and maybe I’ll add some photos of my boobs just to keep it slightly titillating! As always your feedback would be very much appreciated. I was very pleasantly surprised by a number of comments my previous blog received. Some of these were directly on my blog, others via twitter and some in person all of which I enjoyed receiving.
So I hope you enjoyed this post, next week I will be posting about Fitness, and then finally the week after that I will eventually post about fucking, and yes I am absolutely intentionally keeping that one till last. I’m a tease!
Thanks for reading this and let me know your thoughts.
Adreena x