Three Reasons You’re Not Enough

In this blog I’m going to address three reasons you are not enough! This might seem harsh but it’s important you understand your short comings when it comes to dating and relationships. It’s only once you have a better understanding of why you are not enough, that you can truly except your place as a cuck!

Below are what I consider to be the three main attributes that you lack, that most women want in a sexual partner.

  1. You aren’t dominant
    Being dominant is often associated with taking initiative and leading others. As a beta, you are indecisive and depend on others for choices. No women wants to feel like their partners mommy! A lack of dominance also ends up negatively impacting your self-esteem and self-worth, again, not traits any women find sexy in a man! Women crave alphas. They command attention, they lead and inspire 
  2. You aren’t assertive
    Not being assertive prevents you from forming meaningful connections with others. People may perceive you as passive or disengaged, leading to social isolation or others taking advantage of you by exploiting your passive and subservient nature. Not expressing your opinions or standing up for yourself can leave you feeling unheard and inadequate. Do you think a women would find this attractive in a partner? Of course not, but its the reason you’d rather just sit at home jerking off than go out and meet a real women.
  3. You lack masculinity
    Masculinity has been associated with physical strength and prowess. Alpha men are able to demonstrate physical abilities and engage in activities that require physical stamina. You get out of breath just jerking off, how are you supposed to satisfy a partner? Not to mention, a strong alpha physically looks more attractive, you have to agree?

Put simply, you don’t possess the worth or the anatomy to ever sexually please a woman. Now you have a choice of how you process this information. I have observed a few reactions from beta males, when they realise their short comings.

The first reaction is over compensating, buying the flashy car, the expensive watch etc to try and command respect and attention. To me these behaviours just scream tiny dick energy, and just further prove your low self worth.

The second reaction I observe is jealousy of the men that do get attention, and trolling of the women whose attention you know you could never get! Again these behaviours just display your insecurities to the world!

The third reaction is acceptance, and that is my goal for you. For you to accept your place as a beta cuckold. It is truly the best option for you to finally be happy. Here are some comments from other beta males I’ve helped in the past.

“Ms Winters you have helped me see how useless and inadequate my tiny raisin dick is and how much bigger those ALPHA BBC dicks are than mine and my purpose is to serve you”

“You have helped me realize that women deserve to have the best pleasure they can get and I am unable to provide that, they deserve true alpha Bulls that can grant them the pleasure they desire. While serve and do anything to enhance the lives of those who are my better’s”

“Thank you Queen for making me see my place in this world”

Fortunately for you being a beta male does have its upsides, and I’ll be going on to address Alpha males short comings in my next blog, so you can understand what you can excel with in a relationship and be the best possible cuck! Make sure to keep checking back for future posts! Being such an experienced cuckoldress I can provide you with a lot of valuable help navigating your future as a cuck.

If you have any comments or questions, drop a comment on this post or send me an email. Please do share this post on social media if you found it helpful!

Here are some links to previous related blog posts:

Going Black Only

My Top 3 Cuckolding videos

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